Sabine van Kessel

I am a certified senior Scrum Master and Agile Coach with over 10 years experience in SAFe, LeSS, Lean, Kanban, Scrum. My goal is to add value to your company by investing in people and applying Agile principles. I have done so in IT, Marketing and Business environments in both the public and private sector. I’m a people person and in my element facilitating, coaching and training Teams as well as Management.

What I Do

Scrum Master

The scrum master is the team role responsible for ensuring the team lives agile values and principles and follows the processes and practices that the team agreed they would use. The responsibilities of this role include: Clearing obstacles. Establishing an environment where the team can be effective.


Coaching is all about assisting people to clarify and put in their best efforts in order to achieve a target set. It is considered a co-creative process wherein a Coach works with people who have already achieved some degree of success but their success is stagnant. The Coach helps them to move forward by attaining higher performance. He takes an individual into his own inner wisdom. Lots of effective listening, support and facilitation of personal development goes into the process of Coaching along with dynamic interaction with people to get wondrous results. The focus of coaching is for a longer span of time.

Agile Consulting

Consulting is always about offering expertise, analysis and recommendations. It gives people an idea on how to alleviate a certain problem. Consultants use their wisdom to advise people the solutions which leaves them motivated. The primary job is to identify a problem and recommend specific solutions to it. The focus of consulting is short-term which is mostly tactically oriented. Many consultants work as freelancers and give advice to their clients when needed.


Teaching can take many forms – from the image of the professor imparting knowledge through presentations and classroom-like activities–to the interactive learning from collective group activities and many other learning modalities. An effective teacher has command of several different techniques to present and reinforce knowledge, both in a formal classroom-like setting and in ad hoc teaching moments that come up every day.
